Monday, July 20, 2015

4 - Dota 2 Roles

Carry - A carry  is a hero that starts off weak and then it gets stronger later in the game. Heroes that are exceptionally weak early in the game but exceptionally stronger later or also referred to Hard Carries. Carry heroes often rely on their teammates and friendly support heroes to keep them alive early in the game while they level up and collect gold for items. Unless you plan on winning the game early, your team should almost always have at least one carry by it's side

Disabler - A disabler is a hero that is good in hindering other enemy heroes. Heroes that are classified as disablers often have stuns, slow, silence. It's important to have 1 or 2 disablers on your team to make sure that team fights are easier by simply taking certain enemies out of the fight giving you and your team an unfair advantage.

Support - A support hero is a hero that does not rely heavily on gold and can spend most of their time helping their team rather than farming. Support heroes often find themselves purchasing cheap items rather than expensive ones. Purchasing wards to provide vision on to the map or buying and upgrading the courier to make sure their team has quick access to the shop. Certain support heroes that are exceptionally good at protecting hard carries or sometimes called "Babysitters" or lane support heroes.

Initiator - Initiator is a hero that is good at starting team fights. Initiator hero is typically have some sort of large area of effect stuns that helps your team enter a team fight. Getting the jump on your enemy is often the easiest way to win a fight quickly especially if your team is right behind you ready to back you up. This makes initiator extremely important especially later on the game when winning a large team fight often means winning the game.

Jungler - Jungler is a hero that does not need to take a lane at level 1. They are capable of killing the neutral creeps in the jungle. Junglers typically have some sort of ability which allows them to kill neutral creeps such as summoning skill, area of effect damage, or lifesteal.

Ganker - Ganker is a hero that specializes in killing other enemy heroes earlier the game Gankers would move across the map setting up kills or ganks on enemy heroes to help their team boost their experience experience and gold. Ganking heroes often have burst damage or easy to land stuns which allows them to get a kill relatively easy early in the game.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

3 - 3 Places I Would Like To Visit Before I Die

1. The Great Wall Of China
                     The Great Wall is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It was built mainly to protect the Chinese Empire from northern invaders. I could already imagine myself walking in its winding path over rugged country and the steep mountains takes in some great scenery. The most powerful advertising words in history come from the mouth of Chairman Mao: "Until you reach the Great Wall, You're no hero." That was the goal of some millions people.

2. Iguazo Falls in Argentina
                       They say, "Iguazu Falls offers a misty and majestic realm of rushing, roaring water with rainbows adorning the cascades, which stretch for nearly two miles." I really wanted to see in real life the Devil's Throat that they say. According to ancient myths, a jealous God slashed the Iguazu River in two, creating falls as high as 269 feet.

3.Paris - France
                     Most people say that Paris is Europe's most fantastic city, a place that has everything for traveler. You can visit Paris anytime you want, it is a city that has it all. Museums, shops, fantastic historic monuments, theatres, a beautiful riverscape. One of their best tourist spot is the Eiffel Tower. It attracts some 7 million visitors every year and over the decades has become one of the country's most important monuments. I wish I could live here, It's like a magical place. 

2 - Dota 2 Leaderboards PLEASE!

"One way to forget about pain is to do something you will be in completely. So, computer games." - Danil "Dendi" Ishutin

                Dota 2 have two teams: the Radiant and the Dire. Players on the Radiant team are based at the southwest corner of the map, and those on the Scourge team are based at the northeast corner. Each base is defended by towers and waves of units which guard the main paths leading to their base. In order to win the game either of the teams must destroy the ancient of radiant or dire.

                Playing Dota 2 with friends makes me happy but when I'm playing with random people I always get mad. Most especially when I'm already losing for 6-7 straight games and my teammate is always fighting from the start of the game till the end. Every game there's this peenoise who thinks he's really good on playing but he's always the reason why I lose ranked games. It gets me f****** really mad, so MAD that I want to SMASH my keyboard. This is why I hate playing solo games, public or ranked games. I have this one goal and I almost achieve it. I'm one win away on achieving it. I played solo queue and I tried really hard because that game will decide if my name will be included on top 200 Dota 2 Leaderboards in Southeast Asia. I lost that game even though I tried so hard and I used my favorite hero. I'm really disappointed to my performance that game. I guess it wasn't the right time for me to be on the Leaderboards. My friend told me,"Good game well played! Relax, you're doing fine" I just laughed because it was really my fault that we lost that game.

So Close, Yet So Far.
Keep Calm And Remember It's Just A Game 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

1 - Missing Those Memories

"Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory".

              Don't you miss those good old times when you only think of playing with friends and having fun? I really miss my childhood memories. The time where you don't really care at all, free from stress and anxiety. I can still recall the games that we played like Patintero, Tumbang Preso,Bente Uno, Luksong Tinik, Piko, Sipa, Taguan, Langit Lupa, Teks, Saranggola and many more. My favorite childhood game was called "Bang Sak", it was just like hide and seek where the players run to hide but the taya holds the gun (bang) while other players holds the knife (sak). The taya hunts for the other players and when he sees them he will say BANG! and only the brave player who is capable enough to approach the taya without being noticed can end the game.
              I also miss my childhood friends Diego, Clyde, Nico, Pamela, CJ , JC, Robin, Brian, Ace. They would come in front of our house and will shout my name,"Tyrooone ?Oi Tyrone!". That's how they call me everyday, crazy isn't it? I can still remember the time when I won a shoe box full of teks, my friend Clyde cried and went home when he lost to me. I keep on laughing that time and while he's running home he shouted that he will tell his mom and I got scared. So I followed him and returned his shoe box full of teks to him. Hahahaha, I can still remember his teary eyes and I started calling him the next day as iyakin which means crybaby. He got pissed on me and never talked to me since then.

              I'm just really happy that I met those people in my life. We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.