Sunday, July 19, 2015

2 - Dota 2 Leaderboards PLEASE!

"One way to forget about pain is to do something you will be in completely. So, computer games." - Danil "Dendi" Ishutin

                Dota 2 have two teams: the Radiant and the Dire. Players on the Radiant team are based at the southwest corner of the map, and those on the Scourge team are based at the northeast corner. Each base is defended by towers and waves of units which guard the main paths leading to their base. In order to win the game either of the teams must destroy the ancient of radiant or dire.

                Playing Dota 2 with friends makes me happy but when I'm playing with random people I always get mad. Most especially when I'm already losing for 6-7 straight games and my teammate is always fighting from the start of the game till the end. Every game there's this peenoise who thinks he's really good on playing but he's always the reason why I lose ranked games. It gets me f****** really mad, so MAD that I want to SMASH my keyboard. This is why I hate playing solo games, public or ranked games. I have this one goal and I almost achieve it. I'm one win away on achieving it. I played solo queue and I tried really hard because that game will decide if my name will be included on top 200 Dota 2 Leaderboards in Southeast Asia. I lost that game even though I tried so hard and I used my favorite hero. I'm really disappointed to my performance that game. I guess it wasn't the right time for me to be on the Leaderboards. My friend told me,"Good game well played! Relax, you're doing fine" I just laughed because it was really my fault that we lost that game.

So Close, Yet So Far.
Keep Calm And Remember It's Just A Game 


  1. we both know you'll never reach the leaderboards

  2. Too bad, but still, you did your best. Hehehe, reading your blog makes me want to play DOTA2 And beat you. Joke hahaha :)
