Monday, July 20, 2015

4 - Dota 2 Roles

Carry - A carry  is a hero that starts off weak and then it gets stronger later in the game. Heroes that are exceptionally weak early in the game but exceptionally stronger later or also referred to Hard Carries. Carry heroes often rely on their teammates and friendly support heroes to keep them alive early in the game while they level up and collect gold for items. Unless you plan on winning the game early, your team should almost always have at least one carry by it's side

Disabler - A disabler is a hero that is good in hindering other enemy heroes. Heroes that are classified as disablers often have stuns, slow, silence. It's important to have 1 or 2 disablers on your team to make sure that team fights are easier by simply taking certain enemies out of the fight giving you and your team an unfair advantage.

Support - A support hero is a hero that does not rely heavily on gold and can spend most of their time helping their team rather than farming. Support heroes often find themselves purchasing cheap items rather than expensive ones. Purchasing wards to provide vision on to the map or buying and upgrading the courier to make sure their team has quick access to the shop. Certain support heroes that are exceptionally good at protecting hard carries or sometimes called "Babysitters" or lane support heroes.

Initiator - Initiator is a hero that is good at starting team fights. Initiator hero is typically have some sort of large area of effect stuns that helps your team enter a team fight. Getting the jump on your enemy is often the easiest way to win a fight quickly especially if your team is right behind you ready to back you up. This makes initiator extremely important especially later on the game when winning a large team fight often means winning the game.

Jungler - Jungler is a hero that does not need to take a lane at level 1. They are capable of killing the neutral creeps in the jungle. Junglers typically have some sort of ability which allows them to kill neutral creeps such as summoning skill, area of effect damage, or lifesteal.

Ganker - Ganker is a hero that specializes in killing other enemy heroes earlier the game Gankers would move across the map setting up kills or ganks on enemy heroes to help their team boost their experience experience and gold. Ganking heroes often have burst damage or easy to land stuns which allows them to get a kill relatively easy early in the game.


  1. You know that i'm playing dota and it's very nice!.

  2. I don't play dota2 much the roles are just like in League of Legends Cool! LoL Rocks

  3. I must say that DOTA 2 is quite interesting. c:
